There is no one in this world who is all by themselves. They definitely have some set of people who they keep in touch with.

This implies that irrespective of what we are going through, there are people that we keep in touch with. One of the fewest exceptions to this is addiction.

Generally, when people are addicted, they do not like talking about it.

The reason for this is based on the peculiarity of the concept of addiction. Anyone who is addicted is most times looked at as a diseased individual.

This is why people who are addicted would prefer not to disclose it, and they would rather seek solutions for themselves without letting anyone in.

In the long run, it does not get better for the addicted individual except him or she opts for a rehab. Typically, addicts shy away from the rehab option.

They do not see any profound reason why they should open up to someone. It is usually like a sign of weakness, and they would not want anyone to exploit this aspect of their lives.

This is why family and friends are always advised to be on the lookout for their loved ones. If they notice any awkward behavior, it is best to always make enquiries as to why they are behaving that way.

For instance, if someone who actively takes part in family activities, starts shying away all of a sudden, it should be a cause for concern.

Family and friends are not expected to display any form of prejudice towards their loved one who is addicted.

Rather, they are expected to render all form of support which would be quintessential to their prompt recovery.

In addition to this, during the course of addiction treatment, there are some sessions that family and friends are expected to attend.

It is advisable that loved ones show up. This would show to the individual that he or she has people that care about them.


Your loved one can be addicted for a long time, and you could be oblivious of this. Addiction is a condition that is not pleasant to talk about.

People who are addicted do not like to talk about it. Rather, they will hide their addiction and try all they can to manage it.

However, if you happen to find out that your loved one is addicted, it is important to swing into action.

One of the commonest mistake that people make is, putting measures in place to stop the addiction abruptly.

This is impossible because the addiction did not just begin instantly. It is an end-result of series of abuse that has developed to a phase where it become impossible to quit within few days.

The best way to act as either a family or friend when your loved one is addicted is to show ample care and love.

You should avoid pointing it out to them that it is their fault that they are addicted. Rather, you should display signs of enthusiasm and optimism that they would get better once they enter for treatment.

Also, you should also expect that your loved one would not act the way they use to. Addiction has a way of changing the way people behave, how they express their emotions, feelings and the likes.

As a matter of fact, you need to make them confide in you about everything. This is not done forcefully, rather from an angle of love.

One of the pivotal roles you need to play as a family or friend of an addicted loved one, is to encourage them to opt for addiction treatment.

A good number of addicts do not buy the idea of going to a rehab for treatment. However, you need to make them understand that it is one of the proficient ways to ensure they have a good bill of health.

Furthermore, you should also be willing to remain with them all through the phases of their addiction treatment. This will prove to them that you have their best interest at heart.


When an individual is addicted, he or she do not only take the fall for it, they also put their family and friends in an uncomfortable situation.

This can contribute into making the whole addiction situation more complicated.

Addiction is not a one-sided condition, when an individual is addicted, the negative behaviors associated with addiction give rise to unpleasant end-results.

If you are a family and friend of an addicted individual, it would be quite difficult to play this role. People who are addicted do not understand the extent to which the effect of their addiction affects their loved ones.

One of the highlights of addiction is, the individual distances themselves from their friends and family. They begin to lose interest in activities that caught their eye in the past.

Some of these activities include the ones they all use to do together. Stopping these activities can be painful to the loved ones, but the addicted individual does not fully understand this reality.

In addition to this, family and friends might imbibe negative emotions and mindset due to their loved one’s addiction. Some of them heap the blame on themselves, and this affect their logic of self-love.

Addiction breaks trust, particularly between the addicted person and their loved ones. This happens because, the addicted person begins to tell lies surrounding their addiction.

If the addicted person has a spouse, the person might experience utter disappointment and shame.

If present, the children of the addicted person might go through bouts of anxiety and depression. The emotional trauma is usually too much for children to handle.

When an individual is addicted, their brain and body experience adverse effects from the toxic load of the alcohol and drugs.

If they are not addicted to any of these, and they are suffering from other forms like sex addiction, food addiction, video gaming addiction and the likes, their brain and body experiences the same thing.

Diseases are bound to set in during the course of an addiction, and this requires the role of caretaking from family and friends.

This caretaking role is not as easy as it comes, but they really have no choice because they cannot afford to completely ignore.